Product development is at the core of our abilities and expertise. We take our decades of knowledge and experience into every product we develop and the problems we solve. From concept design, full CAE capabilities, prototyping, testing, and production launch, our engineering team provides the most cost-effective, high performance, and ease of manufacture product design for all of our customers.
These products are typically highly technical composite parts involving fluid transfer. However, we are problem solvers that will put all our efforts to provide the best product that meets all requirements.

”Es ist egal, wie schön Ihre Theorie ist, es spielt keine Rolle, wie schlau Sie sind. Wenn es nicht mit dem Experiment übereinstimmt, ist es falsch!” - Richard Feynman

Unser Ziel ist es, ihren Entwicklungszeitraum merkbar zu verkürzen um Ihnen Kosten und Arbeit einzusparen.

Unsere Prototypenangebote umfassen:
Rapid Prototype
Gefräste Composite
NylonMold ™ Prototypteile (aus Silikonformen)
Quick Delivery Mold (schnelles Fräsen, einfache Stammwerkzeuge)
NylonMold ™ Prototypenteile (aus Aluminiumformen)
Aluminium oder Stahl-Spritzgusswerkzeug

Wir sind in der Lage, die Produktentwicklungszeit zu verlängern, indem wir die Prototypenfertigungszeit durch präzise Verzugsanalyse, hochqualifiziertes Werkzeugdesign, kostengünstige Werkzeugpartner und wissenschaftliche Formgebungsverfahren verkürzen.
Wir arbeiten mit Ihnen zusammen, um das beste Prototypenverfahren für Ihre Teilemenge, das Timing, die Kosten und die Qualitätsanforderungen zu ermitteln.

NylonMold is a low pressure repeatable casting process used to cast glass-filled or unfilled PA6 material, suited for prototype or low volume production parts, Using silicone or aluminum molds, we are pouring each monomer material in a heated state into the heated mold. Upon interaction, the polymerization process occurs in the shape of the part in the mold resulting in a virgin material part that has endured much less internal stresses than an injection molded part.
Using NylonMold, we provide our customers with prototype and production part with affordable tooling. NylonMold makes low volume complex plastic production parts possible.

Our tool design engineers have more than 20 years of experience in tool design and warpage control. Our team has the capability to support tooling from rapid prototype builds to serial production tools.
We are not tied to specific manufacturing processes; we select the best solution for your product and utilize our network of partners around the world to build your tools based on your quality and cost requirements.
We provide you with German designed tools manufactured with our low-cost global partners.

Selbst mit den heute präziseren Werkzeugen zur Verzugsanalyse kann sich ein starker Verzug, trotz der Bemühungen, in Bezug auf Material, Formenbau und Verarbeitung ergeben.
Unsere Lösung, um Teile beim ersten Mal richtig zu Formen: Die Verwendung unserer eigenen Methodik für jedes Entwicklungsprojekt.
„Kentucky Windage“ nennt der Amerikaner das Vorhalten beim Zielen einer Schusswaffe.
In ähnlicher Weise nimmt unser erfahrenes Team sorgfältige Korrekturen vor und prognostiziert einen Verzug im Entstehungsprozess, unter Verwendung wissenschaftlicher Anpassungen des Werkzeugdesign, um alle Dimensionsanforderungen Ihres Bauteils zu erfüllen.
Mit Kunststoff-Spritzguss-Simulationssoftware können wir genaue Vorhersagen der Verformung zum Ursprung vorhersagen und wenden dann das Vorhalten an, um die Verformung zu kompensieren.
Dies führt zu einem Formteil in der gewünschten Form und Abmaßen.

Our expertise is to develop the most cost-effective and highest performing product. We do this by utilizing the most appropriate manufacturing method. With our scientific molding practices, we have arranged a high level injection molding facility to provide the highest quality molded plastic parts.
Accompanying our injection molding, we provide linear vibration, ultrasonic and spin welding as part of our full assembly services to our customers.
Our net results a high quality, finished product packaged and ready for retail or customer assembly.

We develop the product to be manufactured with the process most suited for the application and requirements. Utilizing our flexible production assembly lines, we are able to adapt to the process of each product while maintaining our optimized production efficiency and IATF quality standards to provide on-time delivery.
Injection Molding
NylonMold (nylon casting)
Carbon Fiber
Linear Vibration Welding
Spin Welding
Sonic Welding
Automatic Heat Staking
Laser Etching
Hot Stamping
Leak Test
Burst Test
CMM Inspection
Vacuum Station
Personalized Packaging

Through our Performance Design brand, we offer design, development, and manufacturing of carbon fiber and composite components and assemblies. We specialize in high-temperature structural components, we build short run carbon parts that many struggle with. Out of necessity to support intake manifold components, we have developed unique closed mold, autoclave integrity processes for difficult to tool parts.
Round and non-round structural tubing
Lightweight and strong
Thin wall (1mm or less possible)
Organic shapes are possible
Braided carbon sleeving; No seam along the length of tube

We have in-house expertise to help develop performance products that make horsepower, torque, or both and tailor the final product to meet performance specifications. Outside of intake manifolds we can build your develop and build your vehicle aero components, engine components, underhood systems, and interior components.
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